viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010


So, if you guys haven't downloaded it yet, the spearhead pdf is already in games-workshop website ready for download.

Haven't checked it out yet and with no tanks built this doesn't do anything for me yet. It will be fun for when we get our tanks built :D

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

Terminators almost done, and a little something something

While I didn't like to paint the white, the rest was a blast. I really enjoyed this squad and I'm glad its almost done. Ready to move onto more eldar now.
Need to tidy up the checkers on this one, the ultramarines U needs to be fatter and a bigger round hole in the middle, gonna work on that tomorrow. Also on this picture the promised drilled guns.
Oh power weapon, I read online how to do this red effect and couldn't wait to put it on Mr. Termy here.
Writting with a brush is a real pain. Not going to bother with fixing this :P
I did the shield on this one second and it looks a little bit better.
I liked the way the terminators on the AoBR read me had letters on the shield so I copied it.
They are moving to get some sand beneath their feet :D
And this is the little something something. Gonna have a blast painting this SM Predator :D :D
Next up 3 eldar :D

domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010

Terminators WiP

So, I said I was working on my terminators. I decided to post some WiP pictures. These were the tests for a few new techniques I wanted to try. Also an eldar guy sneaked in :P

A little close up to the really annoying face. I really hated working with white. Not going to be adding anymore white to these guys. I will just think they are newly promoted terminators.
And Mr Eldar Guardian with his red hair and a 25ct coin.
Still lots of work to do.

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

Painting Faces

It's hard, specially the eyes. Spent all this afternoon painting mr eldar here.

I don't want to touch his face anymore though. I feel I'm going to screw something up.