While I didn't like to paint the white, the rest was a blast. I really enjoyed this squad and I'm glad its almost done. Ready to move onto more eldar now.
Need to tidy up the checkers on this one, the ultramarines U needs to be fatter and a bigger round hole in the middle, gonna work on that tomorrow. Also on this picture the promised drilled guns.
Oh power weapon, I read online how to do this red effect and couldn't wait to put it on Mr. Termy here.
Writting with a brush is a real pain. Not going to bother with fixing this :P
I did the shield on this one second and it looks a little bit better.
I liked the way the terminators on the AoBR read me had letters on the shield so I copied it.
They are moving to get some sand beneath their feet :D
And this is the little something something. Gonna have a blast painting this SM Predator :D :D
Next up 3 eldar :D