viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011

eldar warlock

black highlights on clothing are very hard to do, I don't think I'm going to put more on these guys but I think they look ok.

domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011

gk terminator squad

gk terminator squad + brother captain table top readiness

these guys are ready to battle, only missing details here and there (a lot actually) and the bases. But these guys are ready to go! gonna keep working on them later. Gonna do the razorback and another thing and no more gk for a while.

sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2011

idea for strongpoint

ok, so gonna try something with the strongpoint but i dont know if make it a whole thing or set each bastion in it's separate piece

ideas are welcome

pic is a bit blurry but the idea is there, the rightmost row of barriers is going to be lower and the terrain piece is going to stop where the lascannons are.