Holy week is over. Lots of beer were drank and pounds gained and no space marines were painted. Sucks cause I wanted to paint all the tactical SM, oh well. Before Holy week I managed to paint a couple and I'm about to finish space marines 8 and 9. Hopefully before sunday's game.
I decided to take a group photo. The camera didn't want to focus on anything so this is the only picture that had any focus at all.

This one I like very much. His helmet looks very cool, I tried to paint it well but I feel like I'm rushing them.

backside of cool-helmet-space-marine.

This one, I noticed there are some parts unpainted.


I "finished" the sergeant and added the text on the scrolls as suggested.

I added some text on his knee and a number on his shoulder too.

Also, I left the back skull gold but I added more wash until I was satisfied.

Here is a photo of my photo booth. Very simple... don't laugh :P

I have only started using washes and they are awesome. I want to paint orks so I can use them more often.
What do you guys think?